Monday, January 28, 2008

Another Commerical

Peanut Butter Comerical!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

PBN is back!

Hello and welcome to the second issue of the Peanut Butter news! Today we are going to go on the journey of a peanut butter cup! Let's begin!

First, a peanut butter cup is manufactured in the Reese's factory! (which right now, PBN reporters have not recovered the exact location of) Then, they are put in packages of either 2, or 4. Finally they are sent to stores all across the globe to be sold, and eaten!!!


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Peanut Butter Snacks

Today, for snak do you know what I SNUCK? I have an apple and a granola bar, AND a KING sized peanut butter cup thingy!!!! YYYAAYY!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Official PBN reporters

Everyone knows that I, Lindsey Hopper, run this blog. But, does anyone really know who my assistants are? Well, if you read the first Peanut Butter News segment, you noticed I had, PBN reporter. Who are my reporters? Who are the members in my PBCUP club? Well here are your answers!! The only members so far for the peanut butter cup club are Gabby, Lily, Steph, Kate, Aubrey, Becca, and me. Who is Becca? She is a gril from a blog that found my blogs, her and her friend nikki have the blog! Well anyway, those are the only member so far, if you want to become one, just say so. I will gladly add you into the group! The more the better! Now, as far as telling you who the peanut butter news rporters are, I can't yet because it is confidential, and only with their permission will I tell you who they really are. Keep in mind though (this is your only hint!!) it is one of my friends who is doing it, people you know (people from blogger that is!!), and it may be more than one person, or it mat not be. Tune in for more information.


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Peanut Buttery Information!

Here is some info you won't find anywhere else about oeanut butter cups!
1. Though Hershy has moved to Mexico, and there have been reports of Reese's going to, they aren't so don't count on mexicans! HOLA!
2. Reese's is the best candy ever!
3. There is an exclusive to see Reese's "mascot" who is a giant living talking king sized reese's peanut butter cup!!
4. I am eating peanut bbutter cups right now

There is some good information!!!

Friday, January 4, 2008


Here is a new segment called "Opinions" it is all about people's opinions on reese's and peanut butter cups, and what they answered to open response questions! They will not be named for confidentiality!

Qustion 1. What is your favorite kind of chocolate candy and why?
Volunteer #1: Probably reese's peanut butter cup because they're sweet but the peanut butter is a little salty, and tehy're delicous, and they're just good!
Volunteer #2: Hershy kisses (bah how could they?) because they are good and I like them and they are the almost the greates candies in the whole world, and I like them
Comments: I totally and completely agree with volunteer #1! But everyone has their opinions, some are just toally wrong!! WRONG I TELL YOU!!!! WRONG!!! lol
Question 2. Are Peanut Butter cups in your top five candies?
Volunteer #1: Yes, number one!!!
Volunteer #2: Yes, number five, they just barely made it!
Comments: They are definately number one on my list, but just being up there is good enough for me!
Quesiotn 3. What kind of candy do you like better, chocolate or fruity?
Volunteer #1: Chocolate!
Volunteer #2: Eh, either I like different kinds of both so, either
Comments: Well, hmm, I like both, but this blog is about my favorite candy, which is a choclate candy, so obviously I like chocolate the most, but just by a sliver!!


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Status report!!!!

Here is a status report on how this site is doing so far!
So far, the only people that have made a comment or posted in the Cbox is Me and Gabby, I assume that is because no one else has visited this site yet, as it is very new! Well anyway, if you want us to know you were on this site, then you better post or comment or whatever! Come one people post! And remember: Chocolate+Peanut Butter= The Best Candy Ever!


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Peanut Butter News

Every now and then, I will post a segment called the Peanut Butter News. It tells more and more about a peanut butter cup's life and journey each time. Now, you may think that my addiction is weird, and it is, but I can't help it! Every time I eat one, I eat ten more. There is no in between, once I start, I can't stop. And no, this blog is not about me trying to stop eating peanut butter cups, it is about my love OF peanut butter cups! Here is today's segment of PBN (peanut butter news):
This is an interview with a peanut butter cup (PBC means peanut butter cup):

PBN reporter: What is it like to be a peanut butter cup?
PBC: Well it is wonderful to know that you are a Reese's delicacy! But then you have the constant threat of being eaten at any moment!
PBN reporter: Do you have relatives?
PBC: Every peanut butter cup on earth is my relative! We are all brothers and sisters! We are all made the same place!!!
PBN reporter: Have you ever been tempted to eat yourself?
PBC: A few times, but I always remind myself that it is a permanent thing if I do!
PBN reporter: What do you think about people with peanut butter cup addictions?
PBC: I think that they are likeable people, I mean they LOVE me, and that is a REAL honor, but I would never want to encounter one of them, because they might eat even a talking walking peanut butter cup!!!!!
PBN reporter: Well...mmmmmm....I am pretty sure htat they would eat any peanut butter cup! (licks lips)
PBC: aren't one of them are you? ARE YOU??????

That was the end of our lovely interview with Mr.PBC XVIII (that means the eighteenth) If you would like to send in a poem, story, or personal thought about any peanut butter cups you know, then leave them in a comment, and we will put them in a post!!!


Hi, this is Lindsey again! This is my new blog, that I just made. It is all about my addiction to reese's peanut butter cups. This blog is to help me cope with my terrible disease. Horrible thing. so horrible, but SO delicious!!!!
