Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Peanut Butter News

Every now and then, I will post a segment called the Peanut Butter News. It tells more and more about a peanut butter cup's life and journey each time. Now, you may think that my addiction is weird, and it is, but I can't help it! Every time I eat one, I eat ten more. There is no in between, once I start, I can't stop. And no, this blog is not about me trying to stop eating peanut butter cups, it is about my love OF peanut butter cups! Here is today's segment of PBN (peanut butter news):
This is an interview with a peanut butter cup (PBC means peanut butter cup):

PBN reporter: What is it like to be a peanut butter cup?
PBC: Well it is wonderful to know that you are a Reese's delicacy! But then you have the constant threat of being eaten at any moment!
PBN reporter: Do you have relatives?
PBC: Every peanut butter cup on earth is my relative! We are all brothers and sisters! We are all made the same place!!!
PBN reporter: Have you ever been tempted to eat yourself?
PBC: A few times, but I always remind myself that it is a permanent thing if I do!
PBN reporter: What do you think about people with peanut butter cup addictions?
PBC: I think that they are likeable people, I mean they LOVE me, and that is a REAL honor, but I would never want to encounter one of them, because they might eat even a talking walking peanut butter cup!!!!!
PBN reporter: Well...mmmmmm....I am pretty sure htat they would eat any peanut butter cup! (licks lips)
PBC: aren't one of them are you? ARE YOU??????

That was the end of our lovely interview with Mr.PBC XVIII (that means the eighteenth) If you would like to send in a poem, story, or personal thought about any peanut butter cups you know, then leave them in a comment, and we will put them in a post!!!