Friday, January 4, 2008


Here is a new segment called "Opinions" it is all about people's opinions on reese's and peanut butter cups, and what they answered to open response questions! They will not be named for confidentiality!

Qustion 1. What is your favorite kind of chocolate candy and why?
Volunteer #1: Probably reese's peanut butter cup because they're sweet but the peanut butter is a little salty, and tehy're delicous, and they're just good!
Volunteer #2: Hershy kisses (bah how could they?) because they are good and I like them and they are the almost the greates candies in the whole world, and I like them
Comments: I totally and completely agree with volunteer #1! But everyone has their opinions, some are just toally wrong!! WRONG I TELL YOU!!!! WRONG!!! lol
Question 2. Are Peanut Butter cups in your top five candies?
Volunteer #1: Yes, number one!!!
Volunteer #2: Yes, number five, they just barely made it!
Comments: They are definately number one on my list, but just being up there is good enough for me!
Quesiotn 3. What kind of candy do you like better, chocolate or fruity?
Volunteer #1: Chocolate!
Volunteer #2: Eh, either I like different kinds of both so, either
Comments: Well, hmm, I like both, but this blog is about my favorite candy, which is a choclate candy, so obviously I like chocolate the most, but just by a sliver!!
